In general, when you are looking for free images to use on the open web, look for copyright restrictions or Creative Commons licenses that might indicate whether an image can be used and any restrictions on use. Images often come with a Creative Commons license, which provide for use under certain restrictions. CC0 licenses and public domain generally have no restrictions so if you don't see these details, the image is likely not free to use. If an image does not have these designations, it may require a licensing fee to be used. There are many free image websites on the open web that have extensive collections of images to choose from. When choosing images to use, just remember to look for the copyright information as well as any restrictions on use.
See our Copyright guide for a list of copyright-friendly resources and website including images, videos, sound files, and more.
Here is an example of what the copyright details might look like for an image, in this case, from the free image website Pexels: