Loan periods and amounts vary depending on borrower status. Please see chart below for more information:
Number of Items
Loan Period
30 items
30 days
2 / 30 days each
120 items
120 days
2 / 120 days each
30 items
30 days
2 / 30 days each
5 items
30 days
2 / 30 days each
5 items
30 days
2 / 30 days each
5 items
30 days
2 / 30 days each
5 items
10 days
1 / 10 days each
*DVDs have a 3 day loan period with one (1) renewals.
**Faculty are permitted extended check out periods for DVDs.
For students, there are no overdue fees for circulating items, rather items not returned will be billed after two reminder notices. Overdue fees will still be applied to Course Reserve materials and to Circulating Equipment.
Students will be able to check out items during the Summer semester once they have provided proof of registration for the Fall Semester. No end of the year due date will be imposed for Faculty. ELS students may check books out for ten days or until the Wednesday prior to the end of the term, whichever is shorter.
For Alums, ASPEC, members of the Friends Group, USF/ USFSP Reciprocal borrowers and ELS students, all books will be due at the end of each semester or term even if it is less than three weeks away.
*Please note that reference books, journals, magazines, and theses may not leave the library.