Answered By: Nancy Schuler
Last Updated: Jul 21, 2020     Views: 106

You can check the status of your checked out items from the library website. On the main library web page, click "View Your Account."

Access to your account is through your Eckerd gmail account. Upon signing in, you can view how many books you have checked out and when they are due. For students, there are no overdue fees for circulating items, rather items not returned will be billed after two reminder notices. Overdue fees will still be applied to Course Reserve materials and to Circulating Equipment.


If you are NOT already logged into your Eckerd gmail account, you will see the following Google login page where you can login. Be sure to include your when logging in:

If you are ALREADY LOGGED IN to your Eckerd gmail account, you should not need to login again when opening a library link. Instead, you may see the following prompt to select one of your gmail accounts. ONLY those with domains will work.  


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