Answered By: Nancy Schuler Last Updated: Nov 13, 2023 Views: 67
Many researchers use an ORCID ID (ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID) as a persistent digital identifier for their work as a scholar that persists throughout one's career, regardless of their home institution. Scholars may be asked for an ORCID ID when submitting articles to journals or when applying for research grants. ORCID IDs are free to create and provide a profile of one's work that is often linked to from other citation databases. ORCID is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from member organizations, including Eckerd College. More than 15 million researchers have ORCID IDs and include scholars in the sciences, behavioral sciences, arts, and humanities.
Faculty at Eckerd College may have profiles in EC Scholar that includes their biographical information and relevant scholarship and creative works. EC Scholar provides two ways to sync ORCID data with your EC Scholar profile:
- Link to your ORCID Profile
Include an ORCID ID in your EC Scholar profile (under Profile > Global IDs) to link your EC Scholar profile to your ORCID profile. - Push updates to your ORCID profile
Add Eckerd College as a Trusted Organization using EC Scholar. This allows you to push data (publications, bio, education) from your EC Scholar profile to ORCID so that records only need to be managed in one system.
The following instructions will guide you through the setup process that will allow you to push records to your ORCID account by designating Eckerd College as a Trusted Organization.
You will need an ORCID ID in order to make this connection with EC Scholar. Confirm that you have an ORCID ID by logging into your ORCID account, or creating one at
Log into EC Scholar at using your Eckerd email.
Go to your "Your profile" page. Under the Global IDs section, make sure your ORCID ID is added (if it isn't, add it), then click "Register and Connect Your ORCID ID" to connect your EC Scholar profile to your ORCID account.
The ORCID login page should appear, where you can log into your existing ORCID account. If you have an ORCID ID, you should already have an ORCID account. Log in using the email used to setup your ORCID account, or using your ORCID ID. If you set up your ORCID account using your Eckerd email address, you can use the Sign In with Google button.
Once you are signed in, you should see the following window that asks your permission to authorize EC Scholar to access your ORCID account. Choose Authorize Access, which allows EC Scholar to push or pull updates to your ORCID account:
- Add/update your research activities (works, affiliations)
- Add/update any other information about you
This authorization means that any changes you make in EC Scholar will be pushed you your ORCID profile so that you only need to update your information in one place. At this time, EC Scholar only pushes items under the Scholarly & Creative Works (EC Scholar) or Works (in ORCID) sections. Grants, education, and activities are not yet connected.
You can confirm that EC Scholar is listed as a Trusted Organization in ORCID by going to your profile menu and selecting Trusted Parties.
Confirm that EC Scholar is listed under Trusted Organizations. This is also where you can revoke access, if desired.
Once you establish EC Scholar as a Trusted Organization, EC Scholar will routinely push updates to your ORCID profile. ORCID updates run daily at midnight so updates you make one day in EC Scholar will be visible in ORCID the next day.
Note that ORCID email settings will notify you of any updates to your ORCID profile. You can change these settings in ORCID if you wish.
Testing your ORCID integration:
You can test your ORCID integration by comparing information in both EC Scholar and ORCID using the following links:
- EC Scholar profile - sign in located in top right corner
- ORCID profile - Log in using the email used to setup your ORCID account, or using your ORCID ID. If you set up your ORCID account using your Eckerd email address, you can use the Sign In with Google button.
If you see any issues, please report these to the Library for troubleshooting.
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